Adobe Wide Gamut RGB
An extended RGB color space that captures a larger spectrum of colors for editing.
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A common printing standard used for web-offset printing in the United States.
An ICC profile using Hue, Saturation, and Lightness/Value for intuitive color selection.
A color space that serves as a basis for calculating color perception and reproduction.
An ICC profile for North American coated and uncoated printing standards.
An ICC profile for printing on uncoated paper, widely used in Europe.
An RGB color space used primarily in the printing and graphic design industries.
A standard for color reproduction specific to the Japanese market.
An ICC profile that matches specific Pantone colors for branding and design purposes.
An RGB color space that offers an extremely wide gamut, ideal for high-end photography.
A widely used RGB color space that provides a broad gamut of colors for digital images.
An RGB color space developed for displays, offering a wider color gamut than sRGB.
An ICC profile tailored for high-quality coated paper printing.
An ICC profile designed for high dynamic range imaging with extended color range.
An ICC profile designed for offset printing on coated paper in Europe.
An ICC profile tailored for calibration and color accuracy on computer monitors.
An RGB profile specifically designed to reproduce vivid colors accurately.
An ICC profile representing coated paper conditions according to Fogra standards.
Standard RGB color space for the internet, ensuring consistent color across web platforms.
An ICC profile designed specifically for professional printing in CMYK color space.
An RGB color space originally designed for Apple displays and devices.
A color space designed for RGB work in the European graphic arts industry.
An alternative representation of the CIE L*a*b* color space that simplifies color manipulation.
An ICC profile optimized for commercial printing based on European print standards.
An RGB profile for color-critical work, ensuring precise color rendering.
A color space that encompasses all human colors, allowing for accurate color matching.