Bronze Star Medal V2
Awarded for heroic or meritorious achievement in a combat zone.
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Awarded for extraordinary heroism in combat.
Recognizes service in the Vietnam War.
Awarded for service in Korea during the defense period.
Recognizes service in the Vietnam War.
Recognizes gallantry in action against an enemy of the United States.
Recognizes honorable service in a foreign country.
Recognition for sustained acts of heroism or meritorious service.
Recognizes non-combat meritorious service to the Department of Defense.
Awarded for extraordinary heroism in combat.
Awarded to qualified soldiers in the Special Forces.
Awarded for service during a designated time of conflict.
Recognizes infantry soldiers who demonstrate exceptional skills.
Recognition for sustained acts of heroism or meritorious service.
Recognizes honorable service in a foreign country.
The highest military decoration awarded for valor in action.
Awarded for extraordinary heroism in the Navy.
Awarded for successful completion of service schools.
Awarded to those wounded or killed while serving.
Awarded for meritorious service in joint military activities.
Awarded to qualified soldiers in the Special Forces.
Recognizes service in Afghanistan.
Awarded for outstanding non-combat service.
Awarded to those who have deployed in support of the war on terror.
Awarded for service in Iraq.
Recognizes service in ground combat.
The highest military decoration awarded for valor in action.
Awarded for exemplary behavior, efficiency, and fidelity.
The highest military decoration awarded for valor in action.
Awarded to qualified soldiers in the Special Forces.
Recognizes sustained acts of heroism or meritorious service in the Coast Guard.
Awarded to those who have deployed in support of the war on terror.
Recognizes non-combat meritorious service to the Department of Defense.
Awarded for outstanding non-combat service.
Awarded for service during a designated time of conflict.
Recognizes service in the Vietnam War.
Awarded for meritorious service in joint military activities.
Recognizes non-combat meritorious service to the Department of Defense.
Recognizes gallantry in action against an enemy of the United States.
Recognizes gallantry in action against an enemy of the United States.
Awarded for service in Korea during the defense period.
Recognizes meritorious achievement while participating in aerial flight.
Recognizes service in ground combat.
Awarded for meritorious service in joint military activities.
Recognizes infantry soldiers who demonstrate exceptional skills.
Recognizes meritorious achievement while participating in aerial flight.
For members of the Reserve forces for honorable service.
Recognizes service in Afghanistan.
Recognizes successful completion of initial entry training.
Awarded for exemplary behavior and fidelity in the Army.
Awarded for exemplary behavior, efficiency, and fidelity.
Recognizes service in ground combat.
Awarded for service in Iraq.
For members of the Reserve forces for honorable service.
For members of the Reserve forces for honorable service.
Awarded for heroic or meritorious achievement in a combat zone.
Awarded for service in Korea during the defense period.
Recognizes successful completion of initial entry training.
Recognizes honorable service in a foreign country.
Awarded for exemplary behavior, efficiency, and fidelity.
Awarded for exemplary behavior and fidelity in the Army.
Recognizes infantry soldiers who demonstrate exceptional skills.
Awarded to those wounded or killed while serving.
Awarded for extraordinary heroism in the Navy.
Recognizes service in Afghanistan.
Awarded for service during a designated time of conflict.
Recognition for sustained acts of heroism or meritorious service.
Recognizes sustained acts of heroism or meritorious service in the Coast Guard.
Awarded for heroic or meritorious achievement in a combat zone.
Awarded for exemplary behavior and fidelity in the Army.
Awarded to those wounded or killed while serving.
Recognizes meritorious achievement while participating in aerial flight.
Awarded for service in Iraq.
Recognizes sustained acts of heroism or meritorious service in the Coast Guard.
Awarded for extraordinary heroism in the Navy.
Awarded for extraordinary heroism in combat.
Awarded for outstanding non-combat service.
Recognizes successful completion of initial entry training.
Awarded for successful completion of service schools.
Awarded to those who have deployed in support of the war on terror.